Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Parents Evening (1) Tuesday 11th February *** Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 11th February *** Year 3 Mandir Trip (1) Wednesday 12th February *** Kingfisher Class Assembly - Wednesday 12th February *** Toy Swap Shop - Wednesday 12th February *** Year 3 Mandir Trip (2) - Thursday 13th February *** Parents Evening (2) - Thursday 13th February ***

  1. Key Information
  2. Online Safety

Reporting an Online Safety Concern

If you are a pupil or parent of a child at Christ Church Junior and you have an online concern that you would like to report (concerning anything at home or school) then please 

follow this link.

Online Safety

At CCJ we understand the importance of e-safety for our pupils, family and community. We want to ensure that every child in our care is safe, and the same principles apply to the ‘virtual’ or digital world as are applied to our physical world.  We have strict filtering systems and policies in place to protect our pupils online as far as possible. Despite this, we understand that using digital devices and the web is never 100% safe, therefore we try really hard to ensure that our pupils are equipped for situations which might be unsuitable or uncomfortable both in school and when using technology at home. 

Click here to see our Online Safety Policy or use the links below to support you with online safety at home and answer any questions you may have. If you need any further advice or support please do not hesitate to ask Mr Desmond, our Online Safety Officer or email on 


School Councillors

Our School Council members wear a pink badge around school. They help to make sure we all stay safe online. If you have a question, they may be able to help you.

How E-Safety is taught at CCJ

 Tik Tok guide for parents FINAL VERSION.pdfDownload
 TikTok Guide.pdfDownload
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To enable our children to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly we teach an e-safety lesson every term. This yearly overview allows teachers to specifically focus on one theme per term. The themes were carefully selected to provide children with the knowledge and opportunities to recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact and to make positive choices when using the internet across different platforms and programs. Our computing lead carefully crafts our E-Safety lessons to ensure the children are exposed to the most up to date content, to allow the children to relate the teaching to their own internet use and to ensure progression through your child's computing journey with us. 

Alongside this, we deliver an across-school project each year for Internet Safety Day as well as two staff training sessions per year. We are part of a learning alliance with other local schools, therefore, we also share best practice on a regular basis throughout the school year. 

Guidance for parents 

As a school, we feel very strongly that your child is safest if they do not have any social media accounts. However, if you choose to allow your child to have access to any social media platform, we advise you use the following as a guidance for your child’s safety. We have downloaded this information from the Internet Matters website to assist you at home with ensuring your child  makes good choices and uses the internet safely. If you would like more help or guidance with this, please do not hesitate to contact CCJ or Internet Matters directly.  

 Instagram Guide.pdfDownload
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 YouTube kids Guide.pdfDownload
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 Snapchat Guide.pdfDownload
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 Whatsapp Gude.pdfDownload
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 Facebook Guide.pdfDownload
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 YouTube Guide.pdfDownload
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Internet Matters 

From age-specific online safety checklists to guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, you’ll find a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world. What issues could be affecting your children? Get to grips with what they may come across on the internet and how to get help if you need it. Find out what to do if you’re worried about anything you or your child has seen online. Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.





Net Aware
We've reviewed the most popular social networks, apps and games your kids are using. 

Further help and support

For practical advice on privacy settings, parental controls and more call our online safety Advice Line on 0808 800 5002

If you're a child or young person and want to talk, contact Childline online or call 0800 1111

Anyone who's worried about online grooming or sexual behaviour online can contact CEOP

If you discover any criminal content when you're online you should report it to the Internet Watch Foundation

For parents

For children

What you need to know about FortNite

Xbox for Parents 

What you need to know about Roblox