Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Welcome back everyone! *** Year 4 Welcome Meeting - Monday 9th September at 5pm *** Year 5 Welcome Meeting - Tuesday 10th September at 5pm *** Year 3 Welcome Meeting - Wednesday 11th September at 5pm *** Year 6 Welcome Meeting - Monday 16th September at 5pm *** Harvest Festival Wednesday 2nd October at 10am ***

  1. Parents & Carers
  2. Useful Information
  3. Homework


Please read the guides below for each year group to find out what your child should be learning at home.

Grammar Guide for Year 6

A handy guide to all those grammatical terms such as subordinating conjunctions and parenthesis!

 Y6 Grammar Parent Guide.pdfDownload
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Use your DoodleMaths account to complete your weekly assignment. Practise daily to achieve stars and keep your learning in the green zone.


Find out more about why CCJ have chosen DoodleMaths:

Why DoodleMaths?

 Doodle - Parent Set Up Guide.pdfDownload
 Why DoodleMaths.pdfDownload
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Here are this term's spellings for each year group:

 Year 5 Term 1 Spellings.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Term 1 Spellings.pdfDownload
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Not sure which spellings to practise now you're in year 6? Take a look at this list for some suggestions of words that fit all the rules from across key stage 2.

 Key Stage 2 Spelling Rules & Word Lists.pdfDownload
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