Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

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Pendennis Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JJ

01454 866516

Christ Church CofE VC Junior School

*** Welcome back everyone! *** Year 4 Welcome Meeting - Monday 9th September at 5pm *** Year 5 Welcome Meeting - Tuesday 10th September at 5pm *** Year 3 Welcome Meeting - Wednesday 11th September at 5pm *** Year 6 Welcome Meeting - Monday 16th September at 5pm *** Harvest Festival Wednesday 2nd October at 10am ***

  1. Curriculum
  2. CCJ Curriculum
  3. Design Technology

Design Technology

DT Leader: Ashlea Connor and Emma Thackeray

At Christ Church Junior School, we value DT as a significant part of the curriculum to stimulate creativity and extend a range of skills. Pupils will use a range of tools to experience woodwork, cooking, design and construction. Through our DT curriculum, pupils should be inspired by chefs, engineers and architects and create a range of mechanisms, textiles and food products with a purpose to real life. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically to evaluate and test the effectiveness of products. There should be clear evidence of progression through the year groups in the form of drawing, photographs and models.

Curriculum overview

 DT Curriculum 2023-2025.pdfDownload
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