Governors at CCJ
Ofsted (November 2019) said:
"Governors have played their part... asking the right questions of school leaders and keeping them on their toes. Parents agree that this school is very well led and managed."
Curriculum Committee:
The members are Christine Falco (committee Chair and SEND Governor), Mark Brindle (committee Vice-Chair), Paul Graham (Pupil Premium Governor), Anna Cordle and Kathryn Davis. The committee, together with the headteacher, scrutinise all aspects of our curriculum and pupil progress and attainment.
Finance Committee:
The members are Jennifer Nisbett (Committee Chair), Christopher Ellis (committee Vice Chair and Health & Safety Governor) and Phillipa Devey (Chair of Governors). The committee, together with the headteacher, oversees the financial management of the school.
Foundation & Ethos Committee:
The members are Reverend Paul Peterson (committee Chair), Julia Watt (Vice Chair), Isobel Sarson (Safeguarding Governor) and Kat Wallbridge (Staff Governor). Foundation governors ensure the school stays true to its church foundation status through ensuring our ethos and values are translated into real and meaningful experiences for children. They also oversee all aspects of pupil and staff welfare including attendance and behaviour and safeguarding.
In line with government aims, CCJ has regard to the extent to which our governing board reflects the diversity of our school population. The ethnicity of our current board is 100% White British.
We currently have vacancies for two governors on our finance committee. If you are interested in giving your time and talents to support the governance of our school, please contact our clerk to find out more about becoming a governor (Frances McMillan:
Governor Minutes
Governor Annual Reports
Please click the links below to read the governors' annual reports that summarise what each committee and the full governing body have achieved and decided each year.
Governor Annual Report 2022/23
Key Governor Documents
Please download the file below to read about the governors' strategic vision for CCJ over the next few years as well as how they plan to monitor the priorities within school.
There are also links for governor attendance at meetings and governor business interests.
Name | |
Governor Strategic Vision 2022-2025.pdf | Download |
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Business Interests 2024-2025.pdf | Download |